home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <exec/alerts.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/dosasl.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <xpk/xpk.h>
- #include <pragma/dos_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/xpkmaster_lib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define XFH_ID "XFH A"
- void PrintF(char *,...);
- void __regargs xScan(struct DosLibrary *,struct Library *,
- struct FileInfoBlock *,LONG);
- struct xScanArgs
- {
- char **Files;
- LONG Remove,All;
- };
- char *VersionString = "$VER: xScan 1.2 "__AMIGADATE__;
- char *Template = "FILE/M/A,REMOVE/S,ALL/S";
- LONG __saveds main(void)
- {
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- struct Library *XpkBase;
- struct Process *MyProc;
- struct RDArgs *RDArgs;
- char ProgName[32];
- LONG Result;
- struct xScanArgs Args;
- char **Files;
- struct AnchorPath *AnchorPath;
- if ((MyProc=(struct Process *)FindTask(NULL))->pr_CLI==NULL)
- {
- (void)WaitPort(&MyProc->pr_MsgPort);
- Forbid();
- ReplyMsg (GetMsg(&MyProc->pr_MsgPort));
- return 0L;
- }
- if ((DOSBase=(struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",33L))==NULL)
- {
- Alert (AT_Recovery|AG_OpenLib|AO_DOSLib);
- return 20L;
- }
- if (DOSBase->dl_lib.lib_Version<37L)
- {
- (void)Write(Output(),"This program requires OS 2.04 or newer.\n",40L);
- CloseLibrary (&DOSBase->dl_lib);
- return 20L;
- }
- if (!GetProgramName(ProgName,32L)) (void)strcpy(ProgName,"xScan");
- Result=10L;
- if ((XpkBase=OpenLibrary(XPKNAME,2L))==NULL)
- {
- PrintF ("%s: %s V2 or newer required !\n",ProgName,XPKNAME);
- goto Close1;
- }
- Args.Remove=Args.All=FALSE;
- if ((RDArgs=ReadArgs(Template,(LONG *)&Args,NULL))==NULL)
- {
- PrintFault (IoErr(),ProgName);
- goto Close2;
- }
- if ((AnchorPath=(struct AnchorPath *)AllocVec(sizeof(struct AnchorPath),
- {
- PrintFault (ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE,ProgName);
- goto Close3;
- }
- AnchorPath->ap_BreakBits=SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C;
- AnchorPath->ap_Strlen=0;
- Files=Args.Files;
- while (*Files)
- {
- LONG RetVal;
- for (RetVal=MatchFirst(*Files,AnchorPath); RetVal==0L; RetVal=MatchNext(AnchorPath))
- {
- if (AnchorPath->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType<0L)
- {
- BPTR DirLock;
- DirLock=CurrentDir(AnchorPath->ap_Current->an_Lock);
- xScan (DOSBase,XpkBase,&AnchorPath->ap_Info,Args.Remove);
- (void)CurrentDir(DirLock);
- }
- else
- if (AnchorPath->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType!=ST_SOFTLINK)
- {
- if (((AnchorPath->ap_Flags&APF_DIDDIR)==0L)&&Args.All)
- AnchorPath->ap_Flags|=APF_DODIR;
- AnchorPath->ap_Flags&=~APF_DIDDIR;
- }
- }
- MatchEnd (AnchorPath);
- {
- PrintF ("%s: %s - ",ProgName,*Files);
- PrintFault (RetVal,NULL);
- goto Close4;
- }
- else Files++;
- }
- Result=0L;
- Close4: /* I hate "goto"s, but it's the only way to keep it short. */
- FreeVec ((APTR)AnchorPath);
- Close3:
- FreeArgs (RDArgs);
- Close2:
- CloseLibrary (XpkBase);
- Close1:
- CloseLibrary (&DOSBase->dl_lib);
- return Result;
- }
- void PrintF(char *FormatString,...)
- {
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- if (DOSBase=(struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",37L))
- {
- (void)VPrintf(FormatString,(LONG *)&FormatString+1L);
- (void)Flush(Output());
- CloseLibrary (&DOSBase->dl_lib);
- }
- }
- char __regargs *ULTA(char *Ptr,ULONG LW)
- {
- UWORD Index;
- *Ptr++=' ';
- for (Index=0; Index<8; Index++, LW>>=4) Ptr[7-Index]='A'+(char)(LW&15);
- return &Ptr[8];
- }
- void __regargs xScan(struct DosLibrary *DOSBase,struct Library *XpkBase,
- struct FileInfoBlock *FIB,LONG Remove)
- {
- struct XpkFib XpkFib;
- char ErrorBuffer[XPKERRMSGSIZE];
- LONG Error;
- if(FIB->fib_Comment[0])
- {
- if(strncmp(FIB->fib_Comment,XFH_ID,strlen(XFH_ID))) return;
- }
- else
- if (Remove) return;
- if (XpkExamineTags(&XpkFib,
- XPK_GetError,ErrorBuffer,
- XPK_InName,FIB->fib_FileName,TAG_DONE))
- {
- PrintF ("%s\n",ErrorBuffer);
- return;
- }
- if (Remove)
- {
- if (!SetComment(FIB->fib_FileName,""))
- {
- Error=IoErr();
- PrintF ("Can't erase comment for %s: ");
- PrintFault (Error,NULL);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- char Comment[80],*Ptr;
- Ptr=strcpy(Comment,XFH_ID)+strlen(XFH_ID);
- Ptr=ULTA(Ptr,FIB->fib_Date.ds_Days);
- Ptr=ULTA(Ptr,FIB->fib_Date.ds_Minute);
- Ptr=ULTA(Ptr,FIB->fib_Date.ds_Tick);
- Ptr=ULTA(Ptr,FIB->fib_Size);
- *ULTA(Ptr,(XpkFib.xf_Type==XPKTYPE_PACKED)?XpkFib.xf_ULen:FIB->fib_Size)='\0';
- if (!SetComment(FIB->fib_FileName,Comment))
- {
- Error=IoErr();
- PrintF ("Can't set comment for %s: ");
- PrintFault (Error,NULL);
- return;
- }
- }
- }